Euterpe · April 2015
Euterpe · Dark Sword Miniatures · Stephanie Law Masterworks Series
I was a part of my very first Kickstarter in Fall 2014 and wrote about it here. Dark Sword partnered with Stephanie Pui-Mun Law and Patrick Keith to create some beautiful & inspired miniatures that I couldn't wait to paint! Once they arrived, I chose a quick favorite: Euterpe. I chose her as my very first Dark Sword miniature to paint and tracked my progress with WIP photos.
Black & White study
I experimented with a black & white primer value study before any colorful pigment touched the miniature. I still love the black & white study-- it seemed a shame to have to paint over it! (after Euterpe's "accident"). I felt a little rush to finish her before the ReaperCon painting contest, and was relieved to finish her the night before the entries were due. Way too close for comfort!
I'm happy with the colorful results! I imagine her as a muse who spends most of her time perched on a rock near a coral reef. She composes and plays music as the sunshine gives her skin a warm, Mediterranean glow.