New Reaper Paints & More

As many of you may know, I prefer matte paints. I like the Reaper paint series for the great variety of colors and, for the climate I'm in, they blend nicely on the wet palette I use. While I have plenty of paint, I get really excited about new releases and trying out new colors. In mid-June, Reaper released this batch of paint (see right image) and I bought a good portion of them. I'm most excited about colors like Catseye Green, Dungeon Slime, and Spectral Glow. As you can see, I bought a most of the brighter colors, since I have a lot of the neutrals and subdued colors already. I started out painting muted colors, I've found that I truly enjoy the brighter colors– they give lots of style and character to miniatures. As soon as I took them out of the package shipment, my cat was all over them. He fancies himself the keeper of paints and if I tried to touch them, he'd paw at my hand, as if he's saying "No! Mine!". I suppose he'll allow me to occasionally borrow from his collection to paint. What a benevolent fuzzy overlord :)

Other than that, I've been working on cleaning up my paint room. It's been awhile, and I'm finally unpacking boxes of miniatures I've hoarded with a good portion of my paycheck. I call them "investments" :) I now have a circular shelf dedicated to Kingdom Death miniatures. As I paint them, they'll sit in their places in front of the boxes. I now have quite a bit of art and I'm thinking about buying cheap IKEA frames to display them. Remember back when I said I wouldn't choose to display some of the art in my home? Well, I've changed my mind– my hobby room is my personal haven and I think it would be fun to create a collage of my favorite examples of Kingdom Death concept art.

As far as actual painting goes, I'm about done with little miss Twilight Knight. Clint & Yeji bought me this little gal as a surprise last Halloween and I'm happy to say she's almost done! It's been a miniature that's sat on my shelf in between commissions and I'm happy to have her almost finished– so close! It's the first time I'm experimenting with OSL, Object Source Lighting. I'm using orange and yellow glazes on the underside of her sword, legs, and base. I want to create a controlled glow rather than a bright glow that illuminates the entire miniature. I think the orange and the purple offsets each other and gives quite a bit of colorful interest to the miniature. While I especially enjoy painting dark olive skin, I especially love the "gyaru" look this little chibi has with the platinum blonde hair and the warm skin tone.

As far as gaming goes, I haven't played much Overwatch lately (which is good, it means I've been painting). However, I did indulge in the Steam Summer Sale and have been playing more Amnesia: Memories, the first otome game I've ever played. This time, I'm playing through the game's Diamond World, which is interesting, to say the least. Toma is intense, loving, and protective– which is endearing until it takes a disturbingly dark turn. I've gotten two bad endings and a normal ending in the subsequent playthroughs of the same world, and I can't seem to land on the "Good Ending" (not that there truly is one). Still, I'm a completionist when it comes to video games, and I'll need to achieve that before I can move on.

And speaking of moving on, it's time to paint and I think I'll see if there's room in tonight's Hobby Hangout that started a few minutes ago. This is a rare occasion for me that I'm able to paint and join a Google Hang. See you around!

Ladies Take Over!

On Tuesday, the ladies took over the Tabletop Hangout! Jonathan from Eldritch Studios has been hosting these over the past several weeks and I was delighted when his wife, Elizabeth (widely known as "Miniature Mistress") invited me to a "ladies night" episode with Kat Jackson, Cathy Wappel and herself. In case you haven't seen previous episodes, Jonathan starts his hangouts with chair dancing and rolls into introductions and everyone talks about what they're working on and what geeky things they've been up to lately. It's a lot of fun and we followed the same format and kept it low-key and casual. We had a few internet issues (we lost Kat for a good 10 minutes there) and my internet decided to be a jerk and cut in and out. That was a little embarrassing but we worked through it and I didn't miss too much of the conversation. If you have time, I invite you to check it out and listen in on our hangout :)

It's always a pleasure to spend time with these ladies and I hope we can do this again someday! 

WIP: Kingdom Death Sci-Fi Pinup

Hi all– I'm back from traveling the past two days and I hope the dads out there had a very Happy Father's Day! I'm about to watch the US Men's National Team play Argentina (GO USA!) in the Copa America Semi-Finals and uploading the photos of my most recent work in progress. Without further explanation (because we have to get the grill going), I started with the Kurumu-inspired Kingdom Death Sci-Fi Twilight Knight pinup and had made progress on her torso, hair, and skin. Here's where I started:

For those just joining the ongoing work in progress, she's inspired by Kurumu Kurono, a character from an anime called "Rosario + Vampire". It's my first anime-inspired mini, and the busty Kingdom Death pinup is the perfect blank canvas for this challenge! I also hooked up an old tablet to play various anime while I painted on her– it was kind of perfect! Of course, I have to watch the dub versions because I can't read subtitles and paint at the same time. Still, at one point, I looked up and the anime screen had all the colors I was painting in my mini :)

However, I did run into a snag– evidently I painted her forehead blue. I only realized this when looking at the concept art, where she wears a thin headband. Whoops. Once I saw it, I couldn't un-see it. It looked like part of her hair! I've still yet to devide whether or not I want to fix it, so I decided I needed to attach her arm next and I'd revisit that option at a later time.

Fast forward several hours and her arm is attached and her armor plating is coming along nicely! I want it to be muted when compared to her mustard yellow and green bodice, and it's slowly coming together.

Right now I'm extra-focused on her hair– I'm blending and highlighting all the way up to pure white to get a nice contrast. I'm sure this technique would work with any hair color, but it's especially striking with her vivid blue strands!

Once I wanted to take a break and do something mindless, I started to play this game I bought on Steam called "Amnesia: Memories". It's an otome game, and I've never played one of these before. For the non-otaku folks out there, it's a dating simulation game, or as Wikipedia describes it: "the player takes the role of a female character who can choose from a variety of male characters as her 'love interest'." The Amnesia game inspired an anime series which I watched not too long ago. The anime was almost enjoyable, except I hated the main character and the plot was disjointed... but I digress. I've played through the first save point and it's pretty amusing, however, I can only play so much at one time. While it's really cheesy, I'm not ashamed to admit it tickles a girly part of my brain that's still connected to my inner twelve year old.

Alright, that's all the time I have– off to watch soccer. Go Team USA!!!