1 Month Until Reapercon

Hi all! Apologies for being a little absent lately. It's a little less than one month until ReaperCon and I'm feeling the pressure! While I wish it were as simple as basic procrastination, but it's been an uphill battle to find time to paint continuously for several hours. When it comes to painting competition miniatures, an hour here or there just doesn't cut it. I need 2 to 3 hours of uninterrupted paint time– I've been using time that I normally would be blogging to paint instead. However, I still want to keep you updated on what's going on and share with you some work-in-progress photos!

Over the last two weeks I've been using a different brush than I usually do. While I thought I had at least one more extra Winsor & Newton Series 7 brush, my last brush was a Raphael 8404. I'm not as kind to them as I could be (I've been known to dry brush or scrub paint mistakes with them). The Size 1 "Raphaël Kolinsky Red Sable Fine Pointed Round" brushes run about $17 on the website I order them from, slightly cheaper than the $20 "Winsor & Newton Series 7 Kolinsky Sable Pointed Round" I prefer.

The Raphaels are nice brushes– I several many painters who prefer those over other brushes. While they're about the same size and hair length, I noticed a big difference when using them the past two weeks– they hold more water than the W&Ns. I'm not a brush licker, and I'm sure that will affect the consistency and application with whichever brush you use. However, each time I'd load the brush with my mixture of paint and water, I'd end up with paint bleeding into places where I'm trying to apply details. My first idea was to mix my paint thicker, but that's easier said than done. Now that I've gotten used to mixing my perfect consistency of paint on a wet palette, it's extremely hard to adjust habits. Even then, the belly of the brush would hold more paint, and my line quality suffered since I seemed to be unable to properly manage how quickly the paint that would leave the brush when I applied it to the miniature. However, I was very pleased with the Raphaels when basecoating or applying washes/glazes.

The good news is that my new W&N Series 7 brushes arrived in the mail, though I missed a 40% off brushes sale at my local art store (very bummed about that). While I like to support my local art store whenever possible, I tend to buy my brushes online, due to price, selection, and availability. Once I opened my new W&N, it was like painting with butter (which sounds incredibly gross, so pardon the bad analogy). Anyway, my point being: it was super smooth and perfect and the paint just went where I wanted it to go– it was magnificent! I even redid some areas of Fiama in a matter of minutes that had previously taken 3x the amount of time with the unfamiliar brushes. Still, I'm glad I tried the Raphael brushes and I'll continue to use them for less-detailed work. And now I appreciate my favorite brushes even more!

What am I working on you ask? Well, if my left hand would stop shaking (my stabilizer muscles are kinda fried after not painting consistently), I'd be able to finish Fiama and get started on my Bombshell miniatures and Reaper competition pieces. It's crunch time!

Also worth noting: I tried something new and thought "A big grease stain across her eyes would be cool!" and proceeded to paint a big black stripe across her face. Whoops! Should have thought that idea out better– it showed up much darker than anticipated and looked very unnatural. I tried a few different things like shortening the band, glazing over with blue, changing it completely to muddy brown, and eventually just painted over it with skintone. Her face isn't as smooth as it was before, but I'm proud of myself for trying something new– and next time, I'll get it right!

I'm also trying a tattoo idea on her shoulder just above her arm wraps. It's nothing fancy, but it adds a cool element to Fiama. Also, I'm just getting started on her weapon and shield. Once I'm done with that, then I'll paint her base!

You may not see long blog posts from me here until ReaperCon since I'll be painting away as furiously as I can– in the meantime, I'll be posting WIP photos on my Twitter account as I go along. Thanks for your understanding and I'll keep you posted as the convention approaches (too quickly!) Have a great week!

Milliput Monday

Been sculpting bases with Milliput patching things up with superglue lately! Poor Carly McCarthy took a spill during the Las Vegas Open thanks to some well-meaning but clumsy hands of a con goer. She still needs some touch up work, but at least her parts are glued back together :) I never did finish her to the level that I wanted– I intended to paint her boots and hat with more detail and add some transparency to her stockings.

On a completely random note, I put some color in my hair for the first time ever. I decided to go with a dark orchid color. I couldn't be happier, especially when sunlight hits it :) I figure if I've learned not to be afraid of bold colors in painting miniatures, I should apply that philosophy to my own personal expression!

Speaking of happy colors, I donned my purple safety gloves and got messy with basing! It's taken me 3 years to use Milliput in sculpting bases and wearing gloves ensures that it doesn't stick to my fingers when I try to mix it. It also helps with the whole, er, toxic thing. I used a mixture of yellow-grey Milliput, bark, small clay rocks, and ballast in Fiama's base. I used the Milliput like most people would use putty or green stuff in order make the wood chips blend together as if they were a grouping of rocks.

To give the base a more interesting composition, I added a tunnel in the rock outcropping and placed a meerkat in one of the openings. It's the first time I've used an element like this and the size of this ferret-looking creature was perfect for the scale. Here is where I started (below left) and the work in progress photos as I added Milliput and superglued rocks in clusters around the base. While I was planning to add foliage to the tree, I like the idea of Fiama trekking through a scorched, barren wasteland, save for a few stubborn, sturdy creatures! Now that I've put a coat of primer on it, it's time to think of what colors to paint the base. I'm currently waiting for the rest of her parts (a mace and a shield) to dry with two thin layers of primer. We're getting there! I just need to touch up her elbow and arm and then I can glue those last two parts on!

Also, look what arrived in the mail today: The Foldio360 based on a Kickstarter I backed in February (thanks to @Snickernacks for clueing me into this!) Basically, it's a turntable that you can photograph rotating 360-degree images of your products– sounds perfect for miniatures :) I'll have to have an unboxing party and take pictures along the way as soon as I open it. Can't wait!

Home Sick

So I'm home sick with a head cold, which is unfortunate. However, that means blog time! What have I been up to lately? Cleaning for company since my hobby room was a MESS and I knew guests would need to stay in that room. I think it was a successful transformation:

I also invested in more Kingdom Death minis after being convinced by a friend (thanks a lot, Clint). "You'll paint them... eventually!" so I picked up:

  1. Sci-fi Flower Knight (First Run Collector's Edition)
  2. Sci-fi White Speaker
  3. Before The Wall
  4. Pinup Order Knight
  5. Percival

I've also been working on (CMON) Fiama's bracers and (Reaper) Cheetah Girl, who I've renamed Puma Girl because I won't be painting her a cheetah. Without further ado, work in progress photos!

Okay, time for a nap. More to come later!