This weekend the in-laws visited less than 48 hours after we had our flood-damaged floors replaced. Thank goodness our place is no longer a construction zone! It was so great to see my MIL & SIL and spend time catching up since we hadn't seen them since traveling to visit right before Memorial Day (right before the floods). We went to brunch and then enjoyed the weather and played with our three dogs-- they were so happy to be reunited for a day of play! While the pups were fast asleep, we even found some time to play Dungeons & Dragons! We dusted off our dice immediately began face-planting with natural 1s-- at one point, we all failed a skill check and went tumbling down a chimney to take a considerable amount of damage right before the big boss fight. Hilarity ensued and we had to get extremely creative to avoid that last battle and escape with our lives since we absolutely refused to leave without the treasure!
Obligatory picture of food!
One pooped pup napping after playing outside with his buddies :)
Yesterday, after we hugged and said goodbye to MIL & SIL for now, I sat down to paint and was horrified. I opened my wet palette only to find all sorts of nasty bits of fur and dark spots (is that mold?!) on my sponge. I swear I'd soaked it in boiling water just the other week, but with all the construction going on, I needed to replace it. I also admit to accidentally leaving it out for a few days with the lid on-- never a good move in this humidity! Since I only had about an hour to paint last night, I decided to clean up my workspace and make sure my wet palette was good to go for some Monday night painting. I got a few base coats on Bailey Silverbell's crossbow weapon and greaves, but I soon became frustrated with the NMM and called it a night. Sometimes you feel rusty and try to push through it. Other times, you've put too much time and love into a miniature that you don't want to compromise. Since this is a miniature I'm painting just for myself, I'm fine with setting her down and beginning again tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll admire my squeaky clean wet palette and do some more research on how light will reflect off metal greaves. Here's what I've found in the meantime!